
Streamline online exams delivery

From knowledge check, quizzes creation to exam management, we made them easier for you with variety of question types and tools.

Highly customised exams with various question types

From instruction page, setting a time limit to dividing the exam into sections. Create unlimited questions and randomise the order of questions and answers.

Multiple choices, True or False

Multiple choices, True or False

Short Answer, Fill in the Blanks

Short Answer, Fill in the Blanks

Match the Following, Reordering/Sequence

Match the Following, Reordering/Sequence

Mathematics, Fraction, and more

Mathematics, Fraction, and more

Manage and select all your questions in a single place

Built-in authoring tools allow you to create questions directly on the platform. Generate dynamic exams from question banks based on your own custom tags and rules. Categorise questions on a topic, subtopic and difficulty level to create unique exams for each user.

Automated exam delivery with convenience

A secure and unique exam code can be automatically emailed to candidates directly, or admins can choose to pass these links on to each individual.



Schedule exams to take place for concurrent users on the same day, at the same time. You may also create practise exams that allow users to access at anytime.

Restrict Access

Restrict Access

Create custom user groups for admins, educators and learners. This gives you complete control over the specific exams that each user group has access to.

Generate branded digital certificates automatically

Design, develop and award your own personalised digital certificates. Enable learners to showcase their competencies at the end of their learning adventure.

Want to learn more?

Speak to a friendly expert to see how we can help deliver your online plans with success.